Fraud Offer

Automatically Detect and Flag Suspicious Information

The Fraud offer’s alerts help you catch fraudsters by analyzing all submitted documents and past fraud attempts.

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How it works

Get clear evidence of past and present suspicious activity

Detect and Reduce Current Fraud Attempts

Thanks to Doc X-Ray, you’ll automatically be alerted if any uploaded document has been falsified.

Leverage the past to Make Relevant Decisions

Investigate the track record of managers and UBOs to detect past incidences and fraud attempts.

Enhance Due Diligence and Background Checks

Increase the efficiency of your financial security team with tools that instantaneously analyze the integrity of documents and perform automated AML checks.

Our solution

It takes less than 5 minutes to process a request

Manager X-RayDoc X-Ray

Automatically investigate the history of the company, its managers and UBOs (Ultimate Beneficial Owners of a company) and detect suspicious behaviors. Learn more

Check all the documents provided by the borrower to flag fake or manipulated ones and centralize the information in one place Learn more

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